Tuesday, June 21, 2011

4.10 Nitrogen Cycle

1. N = 78% of atmosphere
2. Plants take nitrogen as Nitrate ions and uses it to manufacture amino acids
3. the amino acids combine together to make a protein
4. This is also important in DNA ( as it contains nitrogen

1. How plants get nitrogen
2. Lightening + N2 + O2 -------> NO3-

1. Plants take the NO3- and change it into Protein.
2. Food Chains --> === Producer --(Passing of protein)--> Primary consumer --> Secondary consumer
--> the plant changes the way the past consumer arranges its protein, rearranging it to match its own.

1. All animals excrete nitrogen --> in the form of urea. (with water = urine)
2. they then go back into the soil

1. Decomposers --> take the nitrogen filled urine, and decaying flesh and change them into NH3 (ammonia)
2. Because plant dont want ammonia, they convert it into NO2- nitrite and NO3 Nitrate by bitrifying bacteria

1. Plants --> in the soil, there is a type of bacteria that is free living. --> it takes N2 from the air and the soil and changes it to NO3-
2. Nodules --> on the roots --> take atmospheric nitrogen to NO3-

1. Denitrifying Bacteria --> take the NO3- and turn it to N2


Monday, June 20, 2011

4.9 Carbon cycle

1. Photosynthesis --> CO2 + H2O -----(photosynthesis)-----> Glucose +O2
--> CO2 is 003% of the atmosphere --> Plants reduce the atmospheric CO2

2. Feeding -->
Producer ---> Primary consumer (Takes the carbon) ----> secondary consumer

3. Respiration (waste = CO2) --> Glucose + O2 -----(enzymes)-----> Energy + CO2
= Respiration adds CO2

4. Decomposition --> When consumers and producers die, their organic molecules get broken down by bacteria and fungi, releasing more CO2 into the atmosphere

5. Combustion ---> Fossil fuels --------(combust)------> CO2
The same with cars, giving off CO2
Fossil Fuels

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


DRY - SO4 joins with the water in leafs, turning it acidic. This prevents growth on the top of trees.

WET - Acid Rain goes into the lakes, increasing the acidity. This leads to the build up of mucus around the gills and fish, increasing the diffusion length, depriving fish of oxygen

Monday, June 13, 2011

4.14 Enhanced Greenhouse Effect

1. The increase in greenhouse gases leads to enhanced greenhouse effect

Pollution - CO2 CH4 Water Vapor - takes the UV light and reemits it back to earth, raising the global temperature -- GLOBAL WARMING

Consequences -- 1) melting of ice caps - Raised sea levels - changing ocean current and wind directions
2) distribution of the worlds ecosystems - Less land because of increase in water

4.13 Greenhouse Gases

(1) Fossil fuels (burning) = forms CO2, NO2 and SO2 (Greenhouse Gases)

Greenhouse Gases absorb infrared gases and use them to heat the globe

From fossil fuels, vehicles and domestic

(2) FARMING = Cows = CH4 - 9% of greenhouse gases

(3) Evaporation of H2O = Water vapor

(4) Refrigeration/ solvent and propellants - CFC - Chlorine, carbon and fluorine - Absorb UV light and catalyse the breakdown of the ozone layer

4.12 Greenhouse Effect

Enhanced Greenhouse Effect:

- the more CO2 and CH4 there is, the higher the temperature, they absorb more of the escaping infrared radiation and sends it back to earth --- causing a climate change

- CFC - Effect the ozone layer
- CCL3F - Breaks down with sunlight---- CCL3F- + CL- , changes it from O3 to O2. Worse at absorbing heat

4.11 Gas Pollution

1. SULPHUR DIOXIDE (SO2) -->; added to the atmosphere by the combustion of fossil fuels in factories and from vehicles.
2. In the atmosphere, SO2 + H2O --> Sulphuric Acid -------- Effecting plants - (burning top and reducing calcium and Magnesium) -- Effects animals --> makes lakes acidic --> blocks fish gills (mucus) --> no oxygen
3. CARBON MONOXIDE (CO) --> Fossil fules are burned with insufficient oxygen. -- >Combines with hemoglobin --> reduces the oxygen intake --> reducing the oxygen circulation -- Can be fatal