1. The aorta branches off into the renal artery and then goes into the kidney.
2.The kidney then filters the blood and the urine goes down the ureter. This then follows into the bladder.
3. The filtered blood then goes on and back into the renal vein.
4. The kidney has 3 different parts to it. the outside layer, the cortex, the middle layer, the medulla and the inner area, the pelvic.
5. In the pelvic, it collects the urine and drains it down the ureter
6. The different sections are there because the kidney is made up of millions of different tubular structures.
7. The tube starts at the pelvic and runs through the medulla in a mountain like pattern, then the tube goes into the cortex, where it is stopped. The end is called the bowman's capsule.
8. The tube is called the nephron
The Nephron
1.Mainly in the cortex, but dips into the medulla for the collecting duct and the loop of henle
2. 1st twisted section is called the proximal convoluted tubule, the second is called the distal convoluted tubule.
3.There are millions of Nephrons in the kidney.