Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Plant Adaptations


Adaptations are changes happening quickly.


· The sepals have changed or mutated their appearance to look like the petals so it might mean that there is a greater chance of insects getting attracted to it.

· By the plants changing colour, this might mean that insects are able to see colour. The petals give a signal to the insects of whereabouts the nectar is. The plants also give a scent to attract.

· The bee gets attracted to the flower and when going to others, it spreads the pollen.

· The vector for this pollination is insects.


· Grass does not produce energy to make scents or pretty petals because they only rely on wind to transfer their pollen.

· One disadvantage is that their reproductive strategy is very risky. There is a very low chance of its pollen being brought to another plant through wind.

· It also has a low chance of catching any pollen.

· The vector for this pollination is wind.

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