Monday, August 29, 2011

3.24c Mitosis 3 - Stages

1. Interphase - DNA replication occurs
2. When Mitosis begins, the nucleus begins to break down. - Called the PROPHASE - The membrane breaks down and the chromosomes become visible - 2 together called chromatids
3. After that, a network of protein molecules called the spindle grow. - called LATE PROPHASE - This is where the chromosome pair move and join to spindle
4. METAPHASE - The spindle fibre and the chromatid is attached together through the centromere - The chromosomes are in the middle - across the equator of the cell.
5. ANAPHASE - The fibre shortens, splitting the chromatids - They move apart and move to the poles of the cell - Becoming a separate pair of chromatids
6. TELOPHASE (the end) - the nucleus begins to reform around the chromosomes of either cell. - The formation of 2 cells from the separate nuclei - opposite cells
7. CYTO KINESIS - When the cell splits into 2 - NOT PART OF MITOSIS

1 comment:

  1. This term you have blogged some great work. Keep it going this will be very important in the run up to the trail examinaitons
