Monday, January 23, 2012

2.77b Thermoregulation

1. Negative feedback loop, a method of control and constant conditions
2. this is achieved at 37 Degrees C
3. Receptor --> hypothalamus <-- responds to the stimulus
4. Body temp feats into the brain, then is compared to optimum figures, then goes into the effector
where the temperature can be altered
5. This feeds back to the hypothalamus on the basis of the input and new output will be produced

Skin - what controls the body temp
1. Sweat glands
2. capillary network - blood to move closer or further away from the skin
3. If body temperature increases the input hypothalamus stimulates responses in the skin that bring around cooling, e.g. Sweating or increase in blood flow to the surface and the blood vessels dilate (whiten) increasing the exchange of heat to the outside of the body with sweat and radiation, cooling the blood, returning to body temp.
4. When cold, the opposite happens, the blood moves further away from the skin as it wants to keep all the heat it can. Countered by shivering, Vasoconstriction and hair raised.

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