Monday, February 6, 2012

2.88 Skin - classwork

  • To ensure maximum rate of reaction, we need to keep it at the optimum temperature --> 37 degrees 
  • Temp decreases --> movement decreases, hypothermia 
  • Temp increases --> Heat stroke 
  • Body temperature needs to be regulated 
  • Starts the stimulus, blood 
  • The receptor is the hypothalamus, monitoring the blood temperature 
  • The response we produce relate to whether we're trying to cool, or heat up 
  • Cooling down --> Vasodilation --> sweating (too hot)
  • Warming up --> Vasoconstriction --> shiver (too cold) Shivering increases heat as it wants to keep the core organs hot, even if it means to allow the other muscles to cool down. It optimizes 
  1. Vasodilation --> blood goes to the surface of the skin to radiate the heat, relating to sweating.
    1. Latent heat of evaporation, the heat goes into the sweat, causing it to evaporate, loosing the heat. 

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