Saturday, February 18, 2012

5a Food Production

5.1 Glasshouses and Polythene tunnels 

  • Protect the crops from the environment 
    • Temperature 
    • Water levels 
    • Fertilisers 
    • Carbon Dioxide levels 
      • all controlled to maximise yield 
5.2 Effects of increased CO2 and temperature 
  • Temperature 
    • Increase rate of metabolic reactions 
    • Too much heat can effect growth in a negative way 
  • CO2 Levels 
    • Increase rate of photosynthesis 
    • Therefore increasing the growth 
5.3 Fertilisers --> To increase crop yield 
  • To return nitrates and other minerals to the soil 
    • Nitrogen is used to make proteins, nucleic acids and chlorophyll 
  • To give the plants nutrients they need in order to grow 
5.4 Pest control --> Pesticides and Biological control 

  • Advantages to pesticides
    • Doesn't harm humans 
    • Only pests harmed 
    • Helps keep a strong yield 
    • All crops are capable 
    • Easy to apply 
  • Disadvantages to Pesticides 
    • Expensive 
    • Pest can become resistant 
    • Environmental damage 
    • Can kill pollinating insects 
    • Can wipe out a food chain 
  • Advantages to biological control
    • Not 100% effective 
    • No poison involved 
    • Almost all crops effected 
  • Disadvantages to biological control 
    • Difficult to apply 
    • Expensive 
    • Not suitable for all crops 

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