Monday, February 6, 2012

Endocrine system

  • Made up of endocrine glands 
    • Structures that produce chemical systems known as hormones 
    • It needs to have a target tissue 
    • At the target tissue, it has an effect
    • Endocrine gland ----Hormone------> Target ------------> Effects 
  • ADH --> produced in the pituitary --> target : collecting duct  --> Increase the H20 in the blood 
  • Adrenaline --> Adrenal gland --> The heart, brain, muscles --> Breathing rate, heart rate, muscle strength
  • Insulin --> Pancreas --> Controls blood sugar levels --> storage of glucose 
  • Testosterone -> testes --> target is the testes --> controls puberty 
  • Oestrogen -->  ovary --> controls female puberty, builds the lining of the uterus (produced first) 
  • Progesterone --> Ovary --> Maintain uterus lining (produces after oestrogen to maintain the uterus lining) <-- this is only for the mensural cycle, 28 days 

1 comment:

  1. Impressed with you effort recently. You are stepping up to the challenge. Excellent
